

I have seen so much in this wonderful world. Toraja is a place that is not only truly unique, but also deeply impressed and touched me. The Tana Toraja area ...

on the way, Unterwegs


After two months in Indonesia, I had to leave the country. My visa simply could not be extended and so I decided to visit a friend in Hongkong. The flight ...


On the road on Java – Part 2

Ijen This time I booked a tour. Not my cup of tea, but for the equivalent of 42 euros I got transport, an overnight stay and a guide up to ...


On the road on Java – Part 1

Now the time for traveling begins. In fact, I haven’t done that for a long time. Just get on the bus and travel from one highlight to the next sight, ...


Life on a coffee plantation

After 36 hours, my life started all over again. There I was at the airport in Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. Everything, really everything, is foreign. The environment, the climate, the people, ...


In Love Of Africa

When I met you, you didn’t pretend, but immediately presented me with your pure uncontrollability. You didn’t dress up, but were simply the way you are and gave me the ...


Among the Maasai

Africa…I have always associated this continent with endless space, wild animals and beautiful nature in the golden light of the setting sun. I wanted to experience it as intensively as ...



After 7 months working on the sailing ship in the Netherlands, a good 2-month tour through Europe and then mainly through Germany, followed by the trip to Kilimanjaro and two ...


On the road with Mama Tembo

My first day with the veterinarian in Arusha started with him picking me up from the Mount Meru Hotel, directly from the Kilimanjaro trip, and then we drove through the ...
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